ESSER- Recovery Grants & Reopening Plans

Rivendell Interstate School District plans to follow the most recent, updated guidance coming from the Agency of Education and will continue to update this area of our website with information relevant to the opening of school for Fall of 2022-2023.

Rivendell Interstate School District is eligible for $1,088,284 through the American Rescue Plan act, Elementary Secondary School Emergency Relief fund (ARP ESSER). As part of the grant process the LEA must continue to seek public input on the use of ARP ESSER funds through a meaningful consultation process and provide an opportunity for the public to provide input on the development and continuation of its plan.

To gain meaningful engagement from our stakeholder’s we have developed a survey which we invited all stakeholders to complete. The survey was open for two weeks, beginning Tuesday, November 22, 2022, and ending on Tuesday, December 20, 2022. 

See RISD Stakeholder Input 2022 for results of this survey.

For input on the ARP ESSER plans, please contact
Superintendent Jennifer Botzojorns.