Student Services
A Special Place for the Community
Utilizing the Rivendell District’s facilities, services, and curriculum goals, the Rivendell Early Childhood Program offers community families a safe, nurturing environment through which their children can grow. RECP also helps prepare both students and parents for their roles as life long learners. For children needing extra assistance, or with special needs, RECP provides expert guidance and services.
The Rivendell Interstate School District is committed to meeting the diverse needs of English Learners, including:
- Planning and implementing effective language instruction educational programs (LIEPs) and curricula on teaching English Learners (ELs)
- Identifying or developing, and implementing, measures of English Language Proficiency (ELP)
- Strengthening parent, family, and community engagement in programs that serve English Learners (ELs)
- Emily Cousens (grades 6-8) 603-353-4321 Rivendell Academy
- Nancy Hall (grades 9 -12) 603-353-4321 Rivendell Academy
- Ann O'Hearn 802-333-4668 Westshire Elementary School
- Ann O'Hearn 802-333-9755 Samuel Morey Elementary School
- Karen Ward 802-333-4668 Westshire Child and Family Support Specialist
- Creigh Moffatt 603-353-4321 x5 Rivendell Academy
- Melissa Storms 802-333-4668 Westshire Elementary School
- Melissa Storms 802-333-9755 Samuel Morey Elementary School
Rivendell Homeless Education Liaison
Jennifer Botzojorns
603 353 2170 ext. 2132
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights statute that was enacted to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disabilities in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. For a student to qualify for protection under Section 504, he/she must have a documented disability that substantially limits one or more “major life activities” and needs specific accommodations and/or services that will allow the student access to the educational program. A documented disability does not automatically qualify a student for a 504 Plan. The school team will meet to review relevant information and consider whether a 504 plan is warranted.