SME Gardening

Voter Information

Article 4:  Operating Budget $15,832,063: Yes 148, No 123, one spoiled, Article carries. 272 total votes cast

Article 5:  Amend Articles to permit Australian Ballot vote for District budget:   142 yes, 80 no, Does not pass, required 2/3. 222 votes cast (148 votes required to pass)

Article 6:  Amended to allocate $580,000 of unassigned fund balance to offset taxes - passed on a voice vote

Article 7:  Allocate $225,000 from unassigned fund balance to repair roofs by June 30, 2027 - passed on a voice vote

Article 8:  Allocate $330,000 from unassigned fund balance for general repairs, amended to complete by Sept. 30, 2026, or balance returned to unassigned fund balance - passed on a voice vote

Article 9:  Allocate $50,000 from the unassigned fund balance for energy efficiency upgrades, to be expended by June 30, 2028 -passed on a voice vote

Article 10:  Amended to allocate $115,000 from the unassigned fund balance for school consolidation study - passed on a voice vote

Article 11:  Allocate $200,000 from the unassigned fund balance for ongoing ADA upgrades - passed on a voice vote

Article 12:  Expend $133,413 from the unassigned fund balance to pay off the long-term construction debt - passed of a voice vote

Article 13:  To authorize the Board to apply for, accept, and expend, without further action by the voters, all money from any governmental or private source which becomes available - passed on a voice vote


Moderator Hooke

FAIRLEE (to be voted on by Fairlee voters)

Three-year term

Write-in:  Moriah Ludwig (34)


ORFORD (to be voted on by Orford voters)

Three-year term

Candidate:  Terry W. Martin (95)


WEST FAIRLEE (to be voted on by West Fairlee voters)

Three-year term

Candidate:  Sarah Zwikelmaier (23)


AT-LARGE (to be voted on by all four towns)

One-year term

Candidate:  Lillian G. Gahagan (174)


MODERATOR (to be voted on by all four towns)

One-year term

Candidate:  David Hooke (202)


CLERK (to be voted on by all four towns)

One-year term

No candidate elected


TREASURER (to be voted on by all four towns)

One-year term

No candidate elected


AUDITOR (to be voted on by all four towns)

Three-year term (2 years remaining)

No candidate elected


AUDITOR (to be voted on by all four towns)

Three-year term

No candidate elected

Annual District Meetings & Reports